Cigarettes in Australia

Buy cigarettes online to use them as a timer

Cigarettes are often used as a timer. This is the opinion of smokers who buy cigarettes online.
Very often, a lit cigarette plays the role of a kind of time indicator. A smoker, while waiting for someone who is late, as if he says to himself: “Well, that’s it, I will smoke another cigarette and leave.” It is much easier to “kill time” by watching how a cigarette is smoldering than looking at the clock hands. By the way, thus, a smoker does not just “kill time,” he seems to be accelerating his progress.

In many ways, therefore, during the waiting time, it always pulls you to smoke. But a more in-depth analysis of this phenomenon reveals the fact that, in fact, the cigarette in this example serves as an element of substitution behavior. Lack of patience is a typical feature of our time, but there are so many situations when we have to be patient. When we are in a great hurry, but we have to wait, the cigarette allows us to get distracted during this period of painful waiting. Thirst for action, when it is not possible to realize it, forces one to look for alternative ways to bring it out.

In a sense, a cigarette seems to be something animated to a smoker who wants to buy cigarettes online. When you light it, there is a feeling that something new is being born. Many of the smokers surveyed noted that smoking is like being with friends. The sociable component of cigarettes is reflected in one more fact, namely, that cigarettes help to make acquaintances. They allow destroying social barriers and various conventions. Two people, meeting for the first time, take out a cigarette and smoke. At the same time, both feel relieved, because now it is obvious – they have at least one common feature.