Cigarettes in Australia

The advantage of Iqos Heets Australia is its ease of use

All IQOS models are based on the tobacco heating system, rather than igniting it as in standard cigarettes. Replacing Iqos Heets works like this: special sticks are inserted into the electronic device, which do not ignite, but heat up. The consumer does not inhale pure nicotine, but vapor containing nicotine.

How the Iqos Heets cigarette technology works
Should you buy IQOS? From the point of view of safety, we came to the conclusion that if the device does not harm the body. Evaluating it from the point of view of convenience, one can come to the following conclusions:

The advantage of Iqos Heets Australia is its ease of use. The device resembles an ordinary electronic cigarette with a battery and a heater. Each subsequent model becomes more and more comfortable for the consumer.

The kit comes with an electronic charger. You can charge it with a special device from the network. The charge lasts for one full day of use.
The consequences of smoking Iqos Heets, in contrast to ordinary cigarettes, practically do not manifest themselves in a negative sense. Using Iqos Heets is more beneficial than cigarettes if you are worried about your health.

Iqos Heets is better than regular cigarettes.
Whether there is nicotine in IQOS, in our case, is not important, since the safety for both the smoker and the people around him is different. For clarity, let’s compare Iqos Heets and regular cigarettes.

In addition to the main advantage of Iqos Heets – maximum safety – a number of other advantages can be distinguished:
As the cigarette does not burn, but only heats up, it is not able to lead to ignition, respectively, the probability of a fire is zero.
The smoke tastes like ordinary cigarettes, but it dissipates so quickly that it is not able to cause discomfort to people around.

It is impossible to say exactly how much nicotine is in IQOS, but we can confidently say that the resulting vapor contains 95% less harmful substances.
Today several types of Iqos Heets have been developed, each of which has different tastes. Each consumer can choose the taste that they like best.

In addition, you can buy an Iqos Heets car holder, an IQOS cigarette holder and other accessories that simplify the use of the device for your cigarette.