Cigarettes in Australia

Korean smokers order cheap cigarettes online

Koreans for the most part are passionate smokers, and for all the years of our life in Korea, we have hardly ever seen non-smoking men there, although Korean women’ smoking, on the contrary, is rare. Statistics say that almost 89% of adult men in Korea either smoke or smoke before, but were sad to give it up for medical reasons. Among women, smokers make up only 8%. However, Korean smokers also have a trend to order cigarettes online.

Tobacco in Korea appeared three centuries ago. Tobacco is, as is known, an American plant. When the Spanish conquistadors, following Columbus’s footsteps moving to America, first saw Indian smokers, they were surprised a lot, but soon they themselves adopted this habit. From Spain, it spread first across Europe, and then around the world. Since Japan was actively trading with Europe at the end of the 16th century (this trade was subsequently banned by the Japanese government), tobacco was brought to Japan sometime in the 1590s, and soon it went from there to Korea. For the first time in Korea, tobacco is mentioned in one of the documents dated 1618. They called him then “Japanese grass” or “southern potion” – in memory of the origin (“southern” because the Portuguese and Spaniards sailed to Korea and Japan from the south, and were often called “southern barbarians”). However, they began to grow tobacco here too.

However, the Korean climate is not very suitable for this heat-loving plant, so Korean tobacco is not of very good quality.
Therefore, Koreans now prefer to order cheap cigarettes online.
Cigarettes appeared in Korea short time ago, but during the last few decades, they had finally replaced pipes. Now Koreans smoke mostly filtered cigarettes, ordering them as cheap cigarettes online.

Really, Koreans like good tobacco and order cheap cigarettes online from famous companies only.